Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Michael Drayton: Sonnet XL

O thou vnkindest fayre! most fayrest shee,
       In thine eyes tryumph murthering my poore hart,
       Now doe I sweare by heauens, before we part,
       My halfe-slaine hart shall take reuenge on thee.
Thy mother dyd her lyfe to death resigne,
       And thou an Angell art, and from aboue;
       Thy father was a man, that will I proue,
       Yet thou a Goddesse art, and so diuine.
And thus, if thou be not of humaine kinde,
       A Bastard on both sides needes must thou be;
       Our Lawes allow no land to basterdy:
       By natures Lawes we thee a bastard finde.
Then hence to heauen, vnkind, for thy childs part:
Goe bastard goe, for sure of thence thou art.


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